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Effective Communicator

I am proficient in writing, speaking and listening adapted to audience, task, purpose and discipline. 

Community Contributor

I Use acquired cultural awareness and sensitivity to work in teams to share ideas and responsibilities, solve problems, and achieve shared goals. 

Complex Thinker

I think critically and creatively by identifying problems, assessing evidence and solutions and draw on multiple perspectives when approaching complex issues and adapting to challenges. I an apply knowledge and skills while investigating, interpreting and analyzing information in order to develop and implement creative solutions to complex problems. 

Effective and Ethical User of Technology

I ethically and thoughtfully employ a variety of digital media and technology to communicate, analyze and organize information, and create products and solutions. 

Self-Directed Learner

I can independently seek and use resources including teachers, peers, print and digital references with perseverance and endurance to engage in new learning toward academic, professional and personal goals. 

Global Citizen and Responsible Worker

I demonstrate integrity, adaptability, and ethical behaviors by acting responsibly and working effectively in an ever-changing society. 

Health & Wellness Advocate

I demonstrate a commitment to physical and mental well-being of self and others to make positive and healthy choices. 

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MDUSD Graduate Profile+

9th Grade Progress

Following my first semester  experience, I would honestly like to do many things differently, Although I do get good grades, I feel as if I do not work hard enough for them. I want to improve and build on my study habits by taking at least one hour to study. Also, after some thought I definitely would like to be more organized this semester. I want to prepare myself for next year s I really need to stop procrastinating and get off my phone. These goals I have set for myself are to help me get ready for the workload in 10th grade.

9th Grade Reflection - First Semester

How were you a Complex Thinking this year in DSA?   Give a specific example of a challenging project and how you performed well on it.

To be a complex thinker means to be a problem solver and analyzer. This year in DSA during the biome project, I came across and obstacle when it came down to presenting and defending out creature. It was difficult to work around all the questions being thrown at me, even if they weren't even logical. During that time of moment I learned to quickly develop an answer from what I knew. Although it was stil a bit flawed, I overcame many of those questions and grew stronger as a presenter and person.

Explain how you grew as an Effective  User of Technology this year. Compare and contrast how your skills have changed from the beginning of the year until now.  

As a person who wants to work in the technology field when I am older, I already knew a few things coming into DSA such as keyboard shortucts, typing, and whatnot. Throughout the year though I learned to do many things off the computer such as working on the camera with aperture. Going into DSA, I simply thought photoshop was merely just a program to change how a person looks. I learned that it is actually used for much more such as art, text, drawing, etc.. I now know many vocabulary words and terms involving photoshop.

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