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Elements of Art

The elements of art are the building blocks of artwork. Many artist incorporate these basic elements into their paintings, drawings, and sculptures.
COLOR - Visual sensation dependent on the reflection or absorption of light from a surface. 3 characteristics of color are : hue, value, and intensity 
VALUE - Lightness or darkness of a hue or natural color
SCALE - The relative size. The dimensions of an object
SHAPE -  2-dimensional objects in space. They have height and width, usually defined by lines. Shapes can be closed or open, geometric or free from (organic) ,natural, or made by humans
SPACE -  The emptiness or area between, around, above, below, or contained within objects. There are two types of space, positive and negative space.
LINE - A point moving through space. A line can vary in length, width, and direction. Words that describe line include: scribbly, messy, scratchy, calligraphic, contour (outside edge), cross-contour, and continuous line
FORM - 3D objects in space. Some types as shape, but forms have height, width, and depth
TEXTURE - Visual or actual sensation of an object. Actual = actual texture,
visual (implied) = illusion of texture
ANALYZING THE IMAGE : SPACE -  The photograph above is a great example of positive and negative space. The positive space is the sunset in the sky, while the negative space is the silhouette of the buildings and houses. In this photograph, there is also color. The sunset has a hue of violets, orange, yellow-orange, red-violet, and yellow. Additionally, the color adds a visual sensation on the photograph with the gradient like style the colors are put together in.
ANALYZING THE IMAGE : LINE -  The photograph above is a great example of line. The crack like indents in the mirror frame makes it look like there are different types of lines going across from each side. Not only does this photo have lines, it also has texture and value. The mirror frame has actual texture in real life, yet the photograph itself does not have texture you can actually feel. Alongside, there is value in which some points of this photograph has its light and dark points as you look from left to right.
ANALYZING THE IMAGE : SCALE -  The photograph I took in my room by my window is a great example of scale. This is a great example of scale because I purposely captured the dreamcatcher to be much bigger in comparison to the houses. Scale is size, and you can see the size difference between the dreamcatcher and the background making it seem appear bigger than it is. To add to that, this photograph is also an example of space. The dream catcher being the negative space while as to the colorful sunset in the background is positive space.
ANALYZING THE IMAGE : VALUE -  The photograph above that I took in my room above my bed frame is a good example of value. The definition of value is the lightness or darkness of a hue or a natural color. This photograph represents value because throughout the whole photograph there is values of lights and darks. As the sun shines against the wall, it creates a light value of the sun rays, and a dark value against the places the sun is not hitting. This is also a good representation of repetition because of the polaroids repeating throughout the wall.
ANALYZING THE IMAGE : TEXTURE -  The photograph above is a photograph of a fence that I took in my backyard, is a successful example of actual texture. The texture is shown throughout the whole photo of the fence with a rough, wood lie texture. The fence itself has actual texture in real life even though it looks somewhat smooth. In other words, you can feed the texture in real life, but you can not feel it on the photograph, only see it (visual texture).
ANALYZING THE IMAGE : TEXTURE -  The photograph above is a successful example of visual texture. The rusted texture of the shovels creates a grainy look. The shovel has actual texture in real life and implied texture on the photograph. This is also known as visual texture, where you can not feel the the texture on the photograph itself but can see it. Additionally, this photograph has some nice color going on as well. Purple and orange are not directly split complimentary colors, but still compliment the image and the texture quite well.
ANALYZING THE IMAGE : COLOR -  The photograph above of a painting I did inspired by Wayne Thiebaud is a successful example of color. The color scheme this photograph are quite bright but diner style colors. Color is essentially a visual sensation dependent on the reflection or absorption of light from a surface. 3 characteristics of color are : hue, value, and intensity. The intensity of these colors are quite saturated and the value is very light. 

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